Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Creative Way (3)

5. Evaluate your ideas to find the best choice.

The purpose of evaluate is to review ideas according to a set of goal.
Eavaluate all data,advise,and all related information to help decide your ideas. Analysis is considered as one of the most powerful evaluation technique.The most effective of performing an initial analysis of an idea is a goal based evaluation. A goal based evaluation is an one in which you determine a few basic criteria that are essential for ascertaining whether or not an idea is likely to work. You then determine how well the idea meets each criteria.
For example, if you are evaluating an idea for a new product, you would probably want to consider criteria such as:
- Does the product supported by process ?
- Does the product complement our existing product line?
- Are the invesment of developing the product minimal, for example can we use our existing facilities and resources?
- Can we expect a good profit by adding this product to our line?

After we getting and match with the criteria, offcourse we can deicided for the best choice.

6. Exccute your the best choice ideas.

Your never know you have been decided right or wrong without execute your choice. Getting the experience will be very important. Your will amazing for what happen. The Experience is the best teacher and very memorable. You will never get it in the school. New theory will be born. And we will know, why are every second human sciences was growing up.

Get your hands dirty. Spend some time trying things you know won't work or "don't know how they will work". If you don't fail frequently you aren't trying hard enough and may be missing a lot of good opportunities

Very often, when considering executing a creative idea, we will water down the idea and make it less risky. Unfortunately, removing risk from an idea is the same as removing creativity. A creative idea with its risk removed is often a mediocre idea. A better approach is to go ahead with a risky, creative idea, but to have an escape plan.

The last step of the excute is the step by step action plan. This will describe every step you take, how long each step will take and what should be achieved. It will incorporate much of the information above. Indeed, by compiling the information first, you can better develop a cast iron action plan that increases the likeliness that your idea will be excuted effectively.

As important as creativity and idea creation are, they require action before any idea will have real value

Monday, September 03, 2007

The Creative Way (2)

3. Get more information related with your goal.

The best & simple way to get more information is reading. Thebooks,magazine,newspaper,website are unlimited information resource. Read as much as you can about everything possible. Books exercise your brain, provide inspiration and fill you with information that allows you to make creative connections easily.
Read on many topics. It is amazing how many things in a totally unrelated subject can prompt new ideas. By broadening your knowledge into more areas, you make your creativity potential grow. Reading enhances your mental ability and lets you experience the world from a brand new perspective. When we read a book, we let go of our own perspectives and experience the world from the characters that have been crafted by the author.
I have found in my own life that the more I read, the more I want to know. Reading becomes an insatiable desire and an unquenchable thirst.

4. Dialouge your creative ideas and get feed back.

Dialouge ideas with the right people brainstorming can help you not only come up with sacks full of new ideas, but can help you decide which is best.
Dialouge is part of communication. A communication plan clarifies who should learn about the implementation, when they should learn about it and how. A communication plan may also indicate who should not know about the idea implementation, particularly at the early stages.
For instance, if you are working on a breakthrough idea, you may want to keep it secret as long as possible to prevent your competitors from learning what you are doing. On the other hand, you might want to communicate about your highly innovative idea immediately in order to be recognised as the first moving innovator behind the new idea.
Even if you are implementing a personal idea, communicating it can help give you the confidence to see it through to completion. Moreover, dialouge the idea with friends, family and colleagues may provide valuable input about how to make the idea more innovative.
In the dialouge session participants are encouraged to suggest any idea that comes to their minds. During this initial phase it is a firm rule that none of the participants can criticize or react negatively to any of the ideas that are proposed. Following sessions are used to critique the ideas; selecting, improving, modifying, and combining them to produce the final working solution

Asking once is rarely effective, you have to ask many times in many ways. Look at all possible sources of good ideas: your customers, your competition, your peers, the literature, patents, and your own subconscious.
Do people feel safe in speaking their minds and openly offering different points of view?

Sunday, September 02, 2007

The Creative Way (1)

1. Define your goal,

To get your potential creativity,the first you need a goal. Some question words will guide you to find your goal. Why,what and how to be magic words. Decide what you want to create and why.
Questions are the root of all knowledge and creativity. By continually asking questions about the world around us, we fuel our creative fire. Great minds are those that have asked the greatest questions.
Leonardo da Vinci asked such questions as:
“Why does the thunder last a longer time than that which causes it?” and “Why is the sky blue?”
Socrates asked such questions as:
_ “What is wisdom?”
_ “What is piety?”
_ “What is beauty?”
As a young boy, Albert Einstein asked himself, “What would it be like to run beside a light beam at the speed of light?

Don’t overqualify your goal. You need enough clarity to give yourself a direction but not so much as to put yourself in a box. You goal should be an arrow, not a container. Adding too many constraints can stunt your creativity by limiting your options.

Define your goal. Grab a sheet of paper, electronic notebook,computer or whatever you use to make notes, and define your goal in detail. You'll probably find ideas positively spewing out once you've done this .

2. Open your mind,don’t limit yours ideas.

Think Freedom!! When we were opened our mind likes opened the gate for flow any idea boarderless. Capture all of your ideas. Even those that seem impossible to implement are important for a couple of reasons. First, what seems impossible to you may not be impossible sometime in the future or for someone else. Second, impossible ideas encourage furthercreative ideas that might be more likely to be implemented

The Creative Words (1)

Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.
( Mary Lou Cook)