Saturday, August 11, 2007

Creativity Mind set

Basicly,we are creative. And while some people are naturally more creative than others, we can all have very creative ideas. The problem is, as we grow older, most of us learn to inhibit our creativity for reasons relating to work,acceptable behaviour and just the notion of being a grown-up

Often the only difference between creative and uncreative people is self perception.Creative people see themselves as creative and give themselves the freedom to create. Uncreative people do not think about creativity and do not give themselves the opportunity to create anything new.Being creative may just be a matter of setting aside the time needed to take astep back and allow yourself to ask yourself if there is a better way of doing something.

Exercise your minds. Minds, like bodies, need exercise to keep fit. If you don't exercise your mind, it will get flabby and useless. If you want to expand your creativity, then learn a new skill. It can be anything you choose. Learn a new language. Learn to water ski. Learn to play an instrument. Pick up photography or even try a new sport. All of these activities get your mind working outside of its regular patterns..

Mind mapping has been used by some of history’s greatest brains, including Michelangelo, Mark Twain, and Leonardo Da Vinci. Mind mapping is a whole-brain activity that will awaken your creative side as well as your analytical side. Mind mapping will also help you to generate new ideas when needed. It doesn’t matter whether you’re using it for personal goal setting, problem solving, or simply to become a more creative, whole-brain thinker. Our mind works in pictures, associating one idea to the next. Mind mapping allows you to continue this natural thought process on paper. Mind mapping is one of the most powerful tools for awakening your creativity.

Anyone with normal intelligence is capable of doing some degree of creative work. Creativity depends on a number of things: experience, including knowledge and technical skills; talent; an ability to think in new ways; and the capacity to push through uncreative dry spells. Intrinsic motivation people who are turned on by their work often work creatively is especially critical.
Let your mind wander and you will be surprised at all of the connections you begin to creative.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Creative For Life

In this decade the creative is needs for life.
Many great things have started as a simple, creative idea . Consider donating some of your best creativity to help others. The more creative you are, the more ideas you will be able to create. You can be creative even if you don't think you are.
Being creative and thinking up world-changing ideas occurs in the sameway. Everyone can be creative but they have to be willing to start. The creative process will then become more natural over time.
We have known many people who were scared to use a computer for the first few times. However, after diving into it they became morecomfortable. They were willing to take a risk and make some mistakes. The result was an ability to learn and do things they would never be able to do without the use of a computer.
In addition to a goal for your creative session, you need a reason to be creative.
Why does this task matter to you personally?
What difference will it make if you can be creative?
Why do you care?
It’s much easier to be creative doing what you want to do vs. doing what you have to do. One thing that often happens when people quit their jobs and go to work for themselves is that their creative output soars. Even among those strange job-holding folk, being able to select your next project from a few options is often used as a reward, especially in technical fields.
The more compelling the motive, the more likely you are to summon high levels of creativity.
Imagine that your inner creative resources are lazy, and they need a damned good reason to roll out of bed and go to work for you.
The best creative output occurs when we’re working on something that will simultaneously benefit ourself and others.